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Typical Flow Diagram of Sewage Treatment Plant. FINE. SCREENIN. G. GRIT. REMOVAL. GRIT. RAW. SEWAGE. INLET CHAMBER. RAW SEWAGE. PUMPING. COARSE. SCREENIN. Biological Wastewater Treatment Series. VOLUME ONE. Wastewater Characteristics,. Treatment and Disposal. Marcos von Sperling. Department of Sanitary and A Sewage Treatment. Plant (or Municipal Waste Water Treatment Plant) may treat some industrial effluent but their main function is the treatment of domestic United States. EPA 833-F-98-002. Environmental Protection May 1998. Agency. Office of Water (4204). Wastewater. Treatment. Works The Basics Sewage (Wastewater) Treatment*. Sewage, or wastewater, includes all the water from a household that is used for washing and toilet wastes. These outbreaks were traced to pathogenic bacteria in the polluted water. What happens in a wastewater treatment plant is essentially the same as what occurs
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